Saturday, May 5, 2007

Celebrating their Constitution

We arrived in Warsaw the night of the 2nd and made our way to the hostel. On the 3rd, we awoke and set out to see the sights. First, we went to New town to see the statue of King Zygmunt III of Waza. This statue honored the king because he moved the capital from Krakow to Warsaw. To the right of this statue was the impressive Royal Castle. Many Varsovians risked their lives hiding priceless works of art, when the Nazi's plundered and burned the castle in 1939.

On this day Poland was celebrating its constitution, which was a link for their independence from the Soviet Union. The streets were lined with people awaiting the parade. The parade consisted off all military services dressed up from each colonial era. This was an amazing experience to be a part of. After the parade, we went to see Warsaw's oldest church, St. John's Cathedral. This church was destroyed in 1944 and was re-built after the war. Then, we walked the streets of Warsaw and made our way to a park and had lunch. That evening while hanging out in the hostel bar, we met three new people. Matt from Australia, Leina from West Virginia, and Mike from Baltimore. We discussed our travels together and got some important information from Matt. Leina and Mike left shortly to go hit the clubs for some dancing while we stayed at the bar hanging out. Matt attempted to teach Jay a song by Ben Harper on the guitar. Around 2:30, we decide to call it a night and go to bed. Kacee immediately started feeling sick and was up all night. The next day we were suppose to head for Vilinus, Lithuania on the night bus. The receptionist informed Jay that there is a 24 hour virus going around in Poland. Kacee was still feeling horrible, we decided to stay in Warsaw. The next bus to Vilinus does not leave until Monday night, so we will stay here in Warsaw and soak up some more of their culture. Kacee is feeling better today and wants to go to the Russian market in Praga.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kacee glad you are feeling better. keep having the time of your life.
love both of you.