Saturday, May 26, 2007

Capital of Estonia, Tallinn!

It has been a while since we have posted about our journey. So, here goes... We arrived in Tallinn and we were completely awe-strucken by the beauty of the town. The first day we set out for Tourist information to get directions to the Chinese Embassy and the timetable for the bus to St. Petersburg, Russia. We took the long journey across town to find the Chinese Embassy and much to our luck it was closed. It is only open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2pm-5pm. What kind of ours are those? We agreed that we would come back tomorrow between these times. Therefore, the next day was centered around the Chinese Embassy. We arrived to the embassy and talked to the consulate and he said that "it will be better for you to get visa at the Mongolian-Chinese border." Great, once again no luck! Beaten by the day, we decided to go to the African Kitchen to test the African cuisine of this region. Man, it was good! Then, we made our way to Hell Hunt, which claimed to the be the "first pub" in Estonia. There we met two Irish guys named, Brandon and Tommy. We hung out with them for a few hours discussing job opportunities abroad. The next day we were set on seeing the sites before we left on a night bus to St.Petersburg. First, we walked to the center of town called Raekaja Plats. Here we saw the Old Town Hall and the oldest working pharmacy in Tallinn. From there we made our way down the secret passage to the the church of St. Catherine. There are tombs located on the outside of the church that represented the Guild of the Brotherhood. These are men that never married. From there we walked off the beaten path down and across some side streets to the city's defence wall and towers. The wall and towers must have been over 50 stories high! To bad we weren't able to climb up to one of the towers and get a view of the city. Then, we continued with our journey to the cathedral of the Saint Virgin Mary. This was a grand building made out of white stone and took up one block of the street. From the cathedral, we walked to Toopmea's castle, which houses Estonia's Parliament. This castle was pink with a tower to the left side of it called, Tall Hermann. Boy, he was tall! We then, continued the path to St. Olva's church. This building was immaculate in size...some how we could not figure out how to walk around it. It appeared to have many fences surrounding it. We were only able to see the front of the definitely looked huge! At the end of our journey, the last stop was Fat Margaret. This tower's diameter appeared to be about half the size of a football field. We no longer thought we were fat after visiting Fat Margaret!

1 comment:

cskettler said...

I noticed you found my store....dont forget to tell them you'll make the bank deposit.
Looks like I have exercise equiptment there now.