Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Just for Chocolate, Waffles, and Wine!

First of all we were woken up by the annoying neighbors above us making some weird noises! We made our way to the Choco-late museum. This is was incredibly awesome. We were able to learn the history of Chocolate and witness an actual demonstration. Yes, we were given a free sample. From there we made our way down the streets of Brugge to the top 10 Chocolate shops. As we approached the stores, we stopped at a cafe for the square waffles with powder sugar and butter! These were amazing! This is the one of the type of waffles that you must taste while in Belgium! We had the luxury to sample a piece from each store (Thanks to Jessi!). We also purchased numerous chocolates from each store! This was phenomenal! This was Jessi's favorite part of the chocolate festival! Part way through touring the shops, we had an amazing dinner at a local restaurant were we had: mussels, salmon, and Belgium fries (Jay did not like the mussels....yuck!). We made our way to the rest of the chocolate shops and purchased more chocolate! Right now, we have more than 6 boxes full of chocolate! Don't you guys wish you were here! After the long tour and being chocolate our, we made out way back to our rooms and rested. After about an hour, we made our way to a famous restaurant Rock Forte. Dinner was incredibly amazing. But, one thing. don't order "fish and chips" in Belgium...literally you will get a fried little fish...YUCK!!! Once again, thanks to Jessi! Tomorrow, we make our way to Brussels and the Chinese embassy. Oh yeah, by the way, did I mention that we had three bottles of wine today? Absolutely beautiful!!


Unknown said...

We are incredibly jealous! 3 bottles of wine and chocolate...yummm! Keep the pictures coming. Great job on the captions ;)

I look forward to seeing where you'll be tomorrow.


Kacee & Jay said...

We got the message.. I hope userability has improved to Sams standards. Thanks for posting guys!