Tuesday, April 10, 2012

PALEO = 1 VS. ASIA = 6

Okay, okay... I know it's been a few days since our last post, but we have been busy taking in the Taiwanese culture and exploring the streets of Taipei.  When we last left you we were heading into Taipei via taxi to our hotel, The Tango Hotel.  Once we arrived, we were unable to check in.  So, they stowed our bags and we started our adventure to Taipei 101.  Towering above the city much like bamboo stalks, Taipei 101 is hard to miss.  At 508m, this structure held the world's tallest building for a number of years, but now it is in second-place status.  It takes a mere 40 seconds (1010m per minute) to get from ground level to the 89th observation deck.  On the observation deck of the 91st floor, you'll be able to see the massive gold-coloured iron ball that keeps the tower stable through the earthquakes.  In the basement of this tower is one of the most impressive malls and food court.  We decided to eat at the conveyor belt sushi restaurant called Hi-Sushi.  This is one of the freshest sushi we have ever tasted.  Don't worry we didn't eat the rice. 
On Sunday, we awoke early and completed our second travel WOD, which was 10 min of running stairs with a 1 min rest in between, For time: 21-5-9 Rep Scheme of box jumps and push ups.  And we forgot to keep track of the results.  Later that day, we went to a once important fishing village known as Tamshui and Danshui (yes, it has two names).  We walked along Gongming St where we enjoyed the morning market and sampled local Taiwanese street food.  The most unique snack was the single spiraled potato deep fried served on a stick. Continuing along this road, we ran into the Red Castle 1899.  This Red castle is a Victorian style building and a well-known landmark in Danshui.  Here we sampled the famous deep fried crab with garlic, an egg and oyster pancake, asparagus with shrimp, and beef short ribs.  Of course we had oolong tea, which is local Taiwanese tea.  Not to far from the red castle lies a gem called In Joy Chocolate.  Now, this was completely unexpected and so random to find a place like this in Taiwan.  Here the menu was... you guessed it... chocolate, chocolate beverages and even fondue, imported from Europe and Belize.  We stagger back to the train station in a chocolate comatose.
Bright and early monday morning we complete our third travel WOD at a local park.  We ran 1 mile, 5 RFT: 25 lounges, 20 air squats, and 10 push ups, and 1 mile back home.  Once again, we forgot to keep track of our results.  I'm blaming this one on the random groups of Taiwanese people doing Tai Chi distracting us.  We made 2 unsuccessful trips to the Yangmingshan National Park this day.  Can you believe the bus went passed us two times?  We even used the universal sign of waving our arms in the air.  And of course the downpour of constant rain didn't help the situation.  Instead, we found our way to the Modern Toilet.  Ok, its a theme restaurant, the theme being "everybody poops".  Sitting on toilets, we were served a curry out of toilet shaped dish.  The food was a good as you expect to eat out of a toilet bowl.  Starving we decided to head to the National Palace Museum.  We settled into the museums cafe opting for a healthy salad, brownies (Jay made us get those), and coffee. Many people believe this museum is home to the world's largest and finest collection of Chinese art.  Since, celadon-glazes are a favorite of Jay's we focused on pieces of theSong and Yuan dynasties.  My favorite we all of the different styles of teacups.  For our Easter Celebration, we went to a lovely hot pot, Qimin From Farm to Table.  The restaurant offers 100% organic food, meats free of growth hormones, and non-GMO veggies certified pesticide free.  It was delicious! And yes, we sampled the homemade udon noodles and cranberry cookies along with a grape vinegar shot.   

1 comment:

jessi cox said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm..eating out of toliet bowls sounds fantastic.....what a long way you have come my sister.....I remember our trip in Amsterdam eating in an African place and you didnt want to eat without silver ware.....and now, you are eating out of toliet bowls......LOVE IT!!!! xoxoxo