Friday, April 6, 2012

Off to a good start! Besides the Paleo!

Good Morning everyone!  Well, night for our family and friends in the USA.  It's safe to assume that we made the 25 hour flight safely.  After eating non-paleo food and sleeping for about 6 hours on the plane, we arrived in Taouyan, Taiwan at 10pm.  After clearing immigration and customs, we took a short shuttle ride to our hotel, Novotel and decided to complete our first travel WOD.  It consisted of: 15 minute warm-up with attempting double unders or as Whitney would say it "skipping," 57 burpees, and 2 min max rep pushups with a 1 min rest, 2 min max sit ups with a 1 min rest, and 2 min max air squats.  Here are the results: Jay completed 34 pushups, 42 situps, and 49 air squats.  I completed 45 pushups, 57 situps, and 87 airsquats.  Needless to say, after this WOD we were pooped. 

We had a wonderful breakfast this morning, paleo for me and don't tell anyone Jay cheated...shhhh.  Soon we will be heading to Taipei and hopefully have a fun filled day of sightseeing if we don't get blown away by the massive winds.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hi there travel birds!!! Glad to hear your trip is off to a good start(besides the paleo, which i'm sure didn't take long to get back on again LOL). next time i want to see a video post of the those handstand push-ups! - you too, Jay!
How's Taouyan? bring me back from the Zhongzheng Road District... preferably something really taboo! LOL
Where to next?