Tuesday, July 1, 2008

More Car Service Information

Wedding planning is coming along! Are we stressed out? Yes, but we are enjoying every minute of it. Especially, the wine tasting part.
We have new car service information for everyone. For car service from any part of the Hudson Valley, which includes Woodstock and surrounding areas, contact Dawn at (845) 565-1616. Check out their website at http://www.allfamilytrans.com/airport.html. She states that she will beat any ones prices. Her price for up to six people starts at $80, but this doesn't mean she won't negotiate. Also, she can provide a six person van from all NYC airports for $250. This car service will dispatch directly from the airports and will accommodate any car pooling. So, everyone can post here and we can call to set up. Please, please post as you decide on


Unknown said...

This is from Rebecca (Jessi's friend!)...I arrive into Stewart Friday at 3:40 and return Sunday at 4:20, let me know if anyone wants to share a ride to and fro or split the cost of a rental.


cskettler said...

when you call the car service ask for Candy in Stewart.

cskettler said...

The rooms have filled up....I think there might still be availability at the Woodstock Lodge.

Anonymous said...

where are the photos from yr trip? I cant find them
